What We Do Success Stories

Leslie Rodarte
Leslie Rodarte

Leslie Rodarte, a native of El Paso, TX, grew up alongside her three older siblings. Before the serendipitous encounter with Project ARRIBA, Leslie diligently completed her nursing prerequisite courses at both UTEP and EPCC. Her parents, unwavering in their support, stood as her pillars of encouragement. The compass of her ambition pointed resolutely toward acceptance into the TTUHSCEP Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing—a gateway to her dream of becoming a nurse.

But life, ever unpredictable, dealt Leslie a heavy blow. COVID-19 swept through her world, leaving behind a trail of loss. Her father, grandmother, and grandfather—all taken within the same year. Grief reshaped her existence. Strength and perseverance became her armor, yet doubts crept in. Could she still chase her nursing dream? Priorities shifted—her mother’s well-being now paramount. Survival demanded a job, stability, and a roof over their heads.

And so, with resolve etched into her bones, Leslie stepped into her first week of nursing school orientation. Amid uncertainty, a lifeline emerged: Project ARRIBA. The name echoed hope—a bridge between hardship and possibility. She wasted no time, reaching out to Case Manager Priscilla Estrada. The application process began—an arc of anticipation.

Yet, family remained her compass. Doubts lingered. An email drafted, Leslie hesitated. Fear whispered: “This dream is too vast.” But fate intervened—a phone call from Priscilla. Encouragement flowed through the line, weaving courage into Leslie’s heart. She chose to leap—to trust in the safety net of Project ARRIBA.

And so, with financial assistance, Leslie’s nursing journey unfolded. Tuition, uniforms, supplies—the threads that stitched her aspirations into reality. The halls of nursing school embraced her, and she learned—the way only those who’ve faced loss can learn—to listen, to heal, to hold life’s fragile threads.

In December 2023, Leslie donned her cap—a testament to resilience. The NCLEX awaited—a threshold to cross. Now, at Las Palmas Medical Center, she tends to lives, her hands cradling hope. Her legacy—a constellation of courage, stitched with gratitude.

May her footsteps echo through hospital corridors, a melody of compassion. And may her story inspire others to chase their own sunrises

Training Provider
Texas Tech
Career Field
Las Palmas Medical Center
Annual Salary
Quote from Case Manager

Since she walked through the doors of Project ARRIBA, her determination to succeed shined through. Her greatest strength? Not believing in giving up. Her journey was not an easy one, but she definitely proved her strength time and time again. I am so honored to be part of her journey.

- Priscilla Estrada
Quote from Participant

I can finally help my mom and I’m pretty sure that my dad is very proud of me. This will also give me the opportunity to give back to my community. So, thank you Project ARRIBA. Thank you, Ms. Priscilla, for helping me make my dream come true of becoming a nurse.